Travel photography by Chris Hammond ARPS AFIAP
Blue footed boobies, Seymour
Blue footed boobies, Seymour
Land iguana, Seymour
Land iguana, Seymour
Pinnacle rock, Bartolome
Pinnacle rock, Bartolome
Spatter cones, Bartolome
Spatter cones, Bartolome
Rope lava, Bartolome
Rope lava, Bartolome
Sealion, Chinese Hat Island
Sealion, Chinese Hat Island
Sally Lightfoot crab
Sally Lightfoot crab
Genovesa landscape
Genovesa landscape
Juvenile masked boobie, Genovesa
Juvenile masked boobie, Genovesa
Masked boobie, Genovesa
Masked boobie, Genovesa
Red footed boobie, Genovesa
Red footed boobie, Genovesa
James Bay, Santiago
James Bay, Santiago
James Bay, Santiago
James Bay, Santiago
Marine iguana, Santiago
Marine iguana, Santiago
Marine iguana, Santiago
Marine iguana, Santiago
Cacti, Santiago
Cacti, Santiago
James Bay, Santiago
James Bay, Santiago
Brown pelicans, Rabida
Brown pelicans, Rabida
Brown pelican, Rabida
Brown pelican, Rabida
Sealions, Rabida
Sealions, Rabida
Giant tortoise, Santa Cruz
Giant tortoise, Santa Cruz
Blue footed boobie, Espanola
Blue footed boobie, Espanola
Sealions, Espanola
Sealions, Espanola
Land iguana, Santa Fe
Land iguana, Santa Fe
Land iguana, South Plaza
Land iguana, South Plaza
South Plaza
South Plaza
South Plaza
South Plaza
Giant tortoise, Santa Cruz highlands
Giant tortoise, Santa Cruz highlands
Giant tortoise, Santa Cruz highlands
Giant tortoise, Santa Cruz highlands
Blue footed boobies, Espanola
Blue footed boobies, Espanola
Waved albatros, Espanola
Waved albatros, Espanola
Land iguana, South Plaza
Land iguana, South Plaza
Land iguana, South Plaza
Land iguana, South Plaza
Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican
Male Frigate Bird, Seymour
Male Frigate Bird, Seymour
Galapagos Penguin, Bartolome
Galapagos Penguin, Bartolome
Sealion, Chinese Hat Island
Sealion, Chinese Hat Island
Juvenile red footed boobie
Juvenile red footed boobie
Red footed boobie, Genovesa
Red footed boobie, Genovesa
Red footed boobie, Genovesa
Red footed boobie, Genovesa
Masked boobie, Genovesa
Masked boobie, Genovesa
Pair of frigate birds, Genovesa
Pair of frigate birds, Genovesa
Lava Heron, Genovesa
Lava Heron, Genovesa
Lava Heron, Genovesa
Lava Heron, Genovesa
Blue footed boobies, Seymour
Land iguana, Seymour
Pinnacle rock, Bartolome
Spatter cones, Bartolome
Rope lava, Bartolome
Sealion, Chinese Hat Island
Sally Lightfoot crab
Genovesa landscape
Juvenile masked boobie, Genovesa
Masked boobie, Genovesa
Red footed boobie, Genovesa
James Bay, Santiago
James Bay, Santiago
Marine iguana, Santiago
Marine iguana, Santiago
Cacti, Santiago
James Bay, Santiago
Brown pelicans, Rabida
Brown pelican, Rabida
Sealions, Rabida
Giant tortoise, Santa Cruz
Blue footed boobie, Espanola
Sealions, Espanola
Land iguana, Santa Fe
Land iguana, South Plaza
South Plaza
South Plaza
Giant tortoise, Santa Cruz highlands
Giant tortoise, Santa Cruz highlands
Blue footed boobies, Espanola
Waved albatros, Espanola
Land iguana, South Plaza
Land iguana, South Plaza
Brown Pelican
Male Frigate Bird, Seymour
Galapagos Penguin, Bartolome
Sealion, Chinese Hat Island
Juvenile red footed boobie
Red footed boobie, Genovesa
Red footed boobie, Genovesa
Masked boobie, Genovesa
Pair of frigate birds, Genovesa
Lava Heron, Genovesa
Lava Heron, Genovesa