Travel photography by Chris Hammond ARPS AFIAP
Acropolis at night
Acropolis at night
Temple of Hephaistos
Temple of Hephaistos
Odeion of Herodes Atticus
Odeion of Herodes Atticus
Erechtheion -Port of the Caryatids
Erechtheion -Port of the Caryatids
Erechtheion -Port of the Caryatids
Erechtheion -Port of the Caryatids
Agora Hill
Agora Hill
Parthenon, East end
Parthenon, East end
Parthenon, East end
Parthenon, East end
Parthenon inscription
Parthenon inscription
Parthenon Southeast corner
Parthenon Southeast corner
Parthenon Northeast corner
Parthenon Northeast corner
Temple of Olympian Zeus
Temple of Olympian Zeus
Parthenon West end
Parthenon West end
Odeion of Herodes Atticus
Odeion of Herodes Atticus
Temple of Olympian Zeus
Temple of Olympian Zeus
Temple of Olympian Zeus
Temple of Olympian Zeus
Church of the Haghii Apostoli
Church of the Haghii Apostoli
Trough at Agora Hill
Trough at Agora Hill
Car ferries, Piraeus
Car ferries, Piraeus
Church, Aegina
Church, Aegina
Church, Aegina
Church, Aegina
Aegina harbour
Aegina harbour
Close encounter, Aegina
Close encounter, Aegina
Octopus, Aegina
Octopus, Aegina
Aegina harbour
Aegina harbour
Syntagma Guards
Syntagma Guards
Syntagma Guards
Syntagma Guards
Acropolis at night
Temple of Hephaistos
Odeion of Herodes Atticus
Erechtheion -Port of the Caryatids
Erechtheion -Port of the Caryatids
Agora Hill
Parthenon, East end
Parthenon, East end
Parthenon inscription
Parthenon Southeast corner
Parthenon Northeast corner
Temple of Olympian Zeus
Parthenon West end
Odeion of Herodes Atticus
Temple of Olympian Zeus
Temple of Olympian Zeus
Church of the Haghii Apostoli
Trough at Agora Hill
Car ferries, Piraeus
Church, Aegina
Church, Aegina
Aegina harbour
Close encounter, Aegina
Octopus, Aegina
Aegina harbour
Syntagma Guards
Syntagma Guards