Travel photography by Chris Hammond ARPS AFIAP
Minin-Pozharsky Monument
Minin-Pozharsky Monument
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
State Museum of History, Moscow
State Museum of History, Moscow
St Basil's Cathedral
St Basil's Cathedral
The Kremlin
The Kremlin
The Kremlin
The Kremlin
The Kremlin
The Kremlin
Kremlin guard
Kremlin guard
Church of Christ The Saviour
Church of Christ The Saviour
Church of Christ The Saviour
Church of Christ The Saviour
Church of Christ The Saviour
Church of Christ The Saviour
The Kremlin
The Kremlin
The Kremlin
The Kremlin
St Basil's Cathedral
St Basil's Cathedral
GUM Department Store
GUM Department Store
GUM Department Store
GUM Department Store
GUM Department Store
GUM Department Store
Market kiosks
Market kiosks
British Embassy in Moscow
British Embassy in Moscow
The White House
The White House
The White House
The White House
The White House
The White House
Red Square at night
Red Square at night
Moscow sunset
Moscow sunset
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Moscow State University
Moscow State University
Moscow State University
Moscow State University
Moscow State University
Moscow State University
Kotelnicheskaya Apartments
Kotelnicheskaya Apartments
Minin-Pozharsky Monument
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
State Museum of History, Moscow
St Basil's Cathedral
The Kremlin
The Kremlin
The Kremlin
Kremlin guard
Church of Christ The Saviour
Church of Christ The Saviour
Church of Christ The Saviour
The Kremlin
The Kremlin
St Basil's Cathedral
GUM Department Store
GUM Department Store
GUM Department Store
Market kiosks
British Embassy in Moscow
The White House
The White House
The White House
Red Square at night
Moscow sunset
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Moscow State University
Moscow State University
Moscow State University
Kotelnicheskaya Apartments